Roles and Responsibility of PR
Jun 8, 2012 | News & Updates
Mark Ragan’s session dove into what it means to be a PR person now. Here are his guiding principles:
- PR Superstar
- Fundamentals of good writing and “refrigerator journalism”
- Social media pro
- Leading the content creation and curation
- Effectively producing an online newsroom
- Build relationship with media – traditional and new
- Chief Content Officer
- Content producer
- Reporter – finding internal stories to share to publics
- Conversation starter to any and all publics
- Community manager
- PR Toolbox
- Helpful posts
- Compelling video
- A unique voice with personality behind the brand or company
- In your face social media
- Integrated customer service – be everywhere
- A brand’s website should mimic what the audience readers elsewhere in layout and tone. No sales, just communication
“Don’t make people guess what is behind your content. Why do sites say things like ‘Click Here For More Info’ on a YouTube icon instead of grabbing the eyeballs with ‘Watch Interview with Breakthrough Scientist on Robotic Surgery” with the video embedded in the site?” Which one would you click and which doesn’t make you want to run to click on that video?