Did you know Blues great
Bo Diddley lived in Mount Pleasant? You can learn exactly where his home was, where the oldest house in the neighborhood is, and many other fascinating facts about this area on the WWPR Mt. Pleasant Guided Tour and Mini-Walk to support our pro bono client,
Thrive DC. The walking tour will be led by professional tour guide Amy Kunz, who will share the fascinating history of the diverse neighborhood that surrounds Thrive DC.
The walking tour/mini-walk takes place on Saturday, October 29 and will start at 11:00 a.m. near the Columbia Heights Metro, at the corner of 15
th and Irving Streets, NW and finish at Thrive DC, 1525 Newton Street, NW. You will get a chance to learn more about Thrive DC and its facilities inside historic St. Stephens Church. The cost is $30, and will benefit Thrive DC through the Fannie Mae Help the Homeless program. Thrive DC will also receive matching funds depending on the number of walkers. WWPR Mount Pleasant Guided Tour and Mini-Walk Date: Saturday, October 29, 2011 Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 p.m. Meeting place: Corner of 15th & Irving Street, NW (Nearest Metro: Columbia Heights, Green/Yellow Line) Fee: $30
Register today!