Kate Perrin, CEO of PRofessional Solutions, LLC, Past President of WWPR is responsible for chairing the first ever Women of the Year (WOY) awards committee.
How she got started in PR WWPR has been an integral part of Kate’s professional life. She first majored in print journalism at AU and wrote for an environmental group before completing a Masters in PR. Kate joined WWPR in 1987 when it was a new, fledgling women’s professional group and immediately she found it stimulating, inspiring and fun. It has continued to benefit her at every stage of her career.
How Woman of the Year (WOY) Award Was Started One of the most valuable career opportunities Kate had was chairing the first PR Woman of the Year luncheon in 1990. WWPR President Adrienne Bush called and said the Board wanted to celebrate 10 years since WWPR’s founding meeting by creating an annual award to recognize women of achievement in the profession and asked her to chair it. Kate had the good fortune to assemble committee members who were creative, hard-working and terrific. They developed the bones of the program that continues to this day: nominations from which three finalists are picked; a fund-raising raffle to support their pro bono client; an elegant luncheon with a keynote speaker; and announcing the winner at the luncheon. She has been thrilled to see subsequent committees build upon that foundation and make WWPR’s PR Woman of the Year award luncheon a stellar event and a prestigious award. It is her absolute favorite business event and she has never missed one!
Challenges and Trends in PR Twenty-five years ago, Kate started PRofessional Solutions, LLC, which is still the only public relations temporary staffing agency in the DC area. She loves knowing client assignments and what is happening in the industry all the time. It’s clear that social media and technology keep changing how PR is practiced, news gathered and disseminated, information is accessed and communications functions are staffed. As the lines between marketing, public relations and advertising are blurred, the biggest challenge is finding the best PR temps to match clients’ needs. She stays current through WWPR and PRSA, business networking groups programs and events and reading business news.
Outside the Office Kate is an active member of the Smithsonian Women’s Committee, the Women’s Advisory Board of the Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital, and the American University Library Council.
Why join WWPR?“I encourage others to join WWPR all the time. You’ll make connections, learn, develop new skills, expand your network and have the chance to share own abilities. WWPR is a bargain, and the value of membership is immeasurable.”
Favorite things to do in the DMV area? DC is rich with activities and Kate has been taking yoga for 20 years, has season tickets to the ballet, loves theater, is a museum junkie, and enjoys lots of dining out with friends. [caption id="attachment_7114" align="alignleft" width="150"]

Article written by Florence Sumaray, Digital & Marketing Communications Expert; WWPR Member[/caption]