Message from the President
Feb 2, 2011 | News & Updates
I am excited to be leading such a wonderful group of woman (and men!) as the WWPR President this year. Through my experience during the past five years on the board in both the professional development and partnerships roles, I truly believe that WWPR is one of the best organizations for professionals in our field. WWPR is a diverse group of communications and marketing professionals representing a host of industries. Through our professional development and signature events, we hope to continue to deliver high value events and networking opportunities to our members, and to encourage growth and learning in our field. [caption id="attachment_811" align="alignright" width="100" caption="WWPR's 2011 President Kendra Kojcsich"]
[/caption] As we are always looking for the best ways to increase our membership value and make sure we are continuing to serve our members, we welcome your suggestions! In the coming months, we plan to survey you, our members and our supporters, so that we can provide the appropriate programming for those within the various fields of communications. Additionally, we are planning to increase existing relationships with our neighboring professional communications organizations. Be on the lookout in the next month for a survey and please take the time to share your thoughts with us! A quick snapshot of other areas of focus for this year include:
• Upcoming opportunities to give back by getting involved with our new pro bono client, Thrive DC.
• The new WWPR website and blog in which we hope to have many guest posts from our members!
• Increased mentoring opportunities including a new shadowing event in the fall.
• The addition of another speed networking event due to the increased demand. As I step into my new role, I want to take a moment to thank our 2010 President, Debbie Friez for all the hard work she has put into WWPR over the last year. I encourage everyone to get more involved this year, whether you join a committee, write a blog post or just come out to one more event than you did last year! Please don’t hesitate to contact me at with any suggestions or questions as we embark on another successful year!