Strategies for Effective Media Training
Mar 4, 2011 | News & Updates
[caption id="attachment_909" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Debbie Friez, WWPR Past-President"]
[/caption] It’s all about good story telling. This was the top advice from media trainer Keith Blackman, principal of Blackman Media Solutions (BMS) at the March 3 lunch discussion for Young MC's and Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR) members at the National Press Club (NPC). Blackman says he asks those he trains to go home and write a fairy tale about their company, expressing the key advantages in the tale. He also shows them how reporters structure their stories, so they understand the process.
For training and live interviews, Blackman says to focus on:

- Authenticity
- Control-get in front of the story
- Flexibility-be nimble and allow your answers to change as the story changes.
- Don’t speculate.
- Don’t guess, but offer to follow-up later with the correct answer.
- Have every interview staffed.
- Don’t use “no comment.”
- Be transparent.
- Stick to a basic color palate, when it comes to clothes.
- Makeup is important for HD TV.
- Avoid using uhms.