Top 2011 PR Trends and the 2012 PR Future
Dec 30, 2011 | News & Updates
[caption id="attachment_1638" align="alignright" width="300" caption="WWPR Board"]
[/caption] It’s December 30 and everyone seems to be reminiscing about 2011. Last night, the Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR) board met for dinner to celebrate another year and thank everyone for their hard work for the organization. I’ll let President Kendra Kojcsich do the official 2011 WWPR round-up, but in the spirit of the New Year, here are some of the PR best of lists for 2011, along with predictions and tips for 2012. 6 Game-Changing Journalism Events of 2011 by Meghan Peters on Mashable – Number one is DC’s own Andy Carvin of NPR. 5 Social Media Favorites from 2011 by Steven Hughes on socialmediatoday – Hughes reviews his favorites, which may not include your favorites, but you might learn something new. Top 10 PR Rants for 2011 by Scot Van Camp on The PR News Blog – I really like #10! 2012: The Year of the Personal Brand by Bryan Clark on the Personal Branding Blog – You’ll find some great book recommendations and a reminder to get social. #PRin2012: 12 Trends That Will Change Public Relations by PRSA Staff on PRSAY – A common theme on many of the prediction posts continues to be the convergence of PR and marketing. Eight Social Media Trends for 2012 by Gini Dietrich on SPINSUCKS – Dietrich lists “Reporting to all Stakeholders” as #1. 11 New Year’s resolutions for PR and marketing professionals by Carm Lyman on Ragan’s PR Daily – We can all use the the first resolution - Resolve to be a better writer. Social Media Tips for the New Year by Brad Friedman on Socialmediatoday – Do you have a Google+ business page? Why we need better PR in 2012 by Jason Mollica on PRBreakfastClub – Mollica reminds us to take another look at our crisis plans in light of some 2011 events. 2012: The Year of 4Fs by Deirdre Breakenridge on PR 2.0 – I recommend taking the time to watch the video for great resolution ideas for 2012. What have been some of your favorite year-end wrap-ups or 2012 prediction blog posts? Where do you see the industry going in 2012? Please comment and share with the WWPR Blog readers.