Trends of the Trade: Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say

Mar 7, 2013 | News & Updates
Trends of the Trade is a monthly column written by WWPR member Cory Churches exploring, well, trends in PR. Let’s talk about trends. I don’t mean Faith Popcorn or Bill Gross type of predicted trends, although they’re probably two people to tap into for good overall trends. I’m talking more about trends, both good and bad, in the communication and public relations area. I don’t purport to be a predictor of trends nor do I have any special insight in what will be hot and hip six months from now. What I do know is how we as communicators relate to our audiences, how we can be more effective in reaching out to them, and how we can incorporate new technologies and channels to be better at what we do. Washington communicators walk the line between heavy jargon, acronym laden "government speak" and "corporate speak"(both of which can be fraught with insider terms) yet plain speak is what resonates with most readers. Communicating to the average reader without reducing language to the lowest common denominator is a trend I’d like to see take root. This is by no means a new trend, mind you. It’s just a trend that keeps cycling through and needing to be reinforced. Companies should be talking to and with their clients and partners rather than at them. Too often we are stuck in the same routine of reusing talking points and staid attorney-approved speak to communicate with our internal and external audiences. I spent more than a decade deciphering the acronyms of "government speak" and look forward to having a true blue conversation with someone face-to-face or via Twitter that is void of any jargon or acronyms. Clear and concise communication is a trend that I hope continues long into the future. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Value the connection you’re making with your reader. Treat them like you care what they think. If you have a trend, either good or bad, that you’d like to discuss, please be in touch and we can make this a bigger conversation. I look forward to hearing from you! Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of Washington Women in Public Relations.

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