WWPR is gearing up for our annual Woman of the Year Award luncheon on Friday, November 15. This year is particularly exciting as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the signature event and award.
Over the past three decades, we have come together to honor and celebrate nearly 100 female leaders in the Washington, D.C. area – paying tribute to the trailblazers who have raised the bar in the field of public relations and paved the way for the future of the profession.
We are looking forward to adding three more phenomenal women to this group at the 2019 awards luncheon – KayAnn Schoeneman, Maura Corbett, and Susan Waldman.
As we prepare for next week’s award luncheon, we wanted to take a step back and reflect on the past 30 years of this event!
Back in 1990, Kate Perrin led the charge in creating WWPR’s Woman of the Year award. She remains involved, providing continued guidance and support for what the award has become today. Thank you Kate for fostering such a lasting event and hats off to winners of years past!
Past Woman of the Year Award Winners, 1990-2018
2018 Wendy Hagen 2017 Amy DeMaria 2016 Martha Boudreau 2015 Christina Nicols 2014 Laura Monica 2013 Pam Jenkins 2012 Stephenie Fu 2011 Heathere Keenan 2010 Debra Silimeo 2009 Sarah Temple |
2008 Marilynn Mendell 2007 Jennifer Wayman 2006 Margery Kraus 2005 Carolyn Tieger 2004 Susan Hager 2003 Lisa Osborne Ross 2002 Denise Graveline 2001 Elizabeth Shea 2000 Mary Yerrick 1999 Gloria Dittus |
1998 Pattie Yu 1997 Susan Morris 1996 Beverly Silverberg 1995 Joan Cole 1994 Katherine Hutt 1993 Pat Wheeler 1992 Elizabeth Lisboa-Farrow 1991 Myra Peabody 1990 Marcia Sharp |
Our theme for the 30th annual luncheon this year is Pearls of Wisdom – a nod to the pearl being the traditional symbol of a 30th anniversary celebration. We recently reached out to our past Woman of the Year award winners to learn about their Pearls of Wisdom, here is what a few had to share:
Pattie’s Pearl of Wisdom: In communications as in life, never lose your compass for home.
Lisa’s Pearl of Wisdom: I have always believed that you can do well by doing good, and if you get the people thing right, profitability follows. Over the years, I’ve learned that a joyous and grateful heart enables you to be bold and brave at work and in life.
Pam’s Pearl of Wisdom: Be curious. Read voraciously. Take risks. Make a difference. Laugh. Show appreciation. And give back.
Wendy’s Pearl of Wisdom: Be curious: Never stop asking, “Why?” and “What would happen if…”. Be courageous: Have conviction and be open to feeling a little bit uncomfortable. Be generous: Give credit to others, give back and give yourself a break.
We hope you will join us on Friday, November 15 for the luncheon at the Fairmont Hotel to honor the 2019 Woman of the Year Award finalists, celebrate 30 years and hear more Pearls of Wisdom from leading women in the industry – including our keynote speaker Martha M. Boudreau!