Social Media and Keeping an Ear to the Ground

Communications manifest themselves in different forms. No smoke signals or the telegraph anymore but email is still a prevalent part of our lives. In addition over the past few years content has found other ways to seep into our lives. As PR and communication...

Stay Connected!

Networking is about relationships. It’s about reaching out to and staying in touch with people. Networking is broader than just who you know, and crafting healthy relationships is more involved than simply increasing the number of friends you have on Facebook. While...

NEWSLETTER: March 2012

In this issue: Staying in Touch with WWPR WWPR Blog Rock Recovery Screening WWPR and Women in Technology Pro Bono Profile: Thrive DC Upcoming Events Get Involved! Member Spotlight Articles of Interest Membership News Sponsor Spotlight Stay in Touch with WWPR and the...

YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL – But Not At The Same Time!

The second of three blog posts providing my recap from Kiki McLean’s WWPR annual meeting keynote. Working women everywhere are asking…“Can I have it all?” A successful career AND a rewarding, full personal and family life. – Kiki’s response was, “Yes, you can. But,...