As we gear up to celebrate 2017’s Woman of the Year Honorees in November, we’re reflecting on what it means to #WomanUp. WWPR defined it as being bold, courageous, and resilient enough to persevere through even the most difficult challenges in work and life.
One of the qualities that contributes to our ability to be able to #WomanUp includes showing up. We can’t persevere if we are not present and follow through on our commitments. Woody Allen is quoted saying “showing up is 80 percent of life,” but it really is so much more than that.
When you show up (either physically or metaphorically by fulfilling your commitments), then people know you can be counted on. You become trusted and trustworthy. Failing to show up does the opposite–eroding confidence in your abilities and follow through. Having the reputation of someone who shows up also opens doors for new opportunities and referrals because people know you won’t let them down. And when something does happen and you need understanding for not being there, you have a lot of goodwill to cash in.
I think people often underestimate the power of showing up, of just being in the room. Sure, success involves a lot more–but it’s really hard to grab new opportunities for success if you are not there, if people feel that they can’t count on you.
I had a boss who always stressed: “underpromise and overperform” — never the opposite. Never promise more than you can deliver. It was a great lesson because I always wanted to say yes, to keep promising the moon and the stars. And while it’s great to be ambitious and aim high, you never want people to feel like they didn’t get what they expected–that you didn’t show up.
It may seem like a little thing, showing up. But it’s one of those foundational practices that cannot be faked and makes all the difference in building your professional reputation and relationships.
Thanks and hope to see you “show up” (ha ha!) at the Annual Media Roundtable on October 26–always a sellout event!

Kelly Mack