Making the Most of Networking Events
Jun 14, 2011 | Professional Development
This past week, WWPR hosted a networking event, the Summer Social, at Local 16.The balcony was full with many opportunities to meet and reconnect with other local communications professionals. I left with a ton of business cards, and this got me thinking, cards are great, but if you don’t take that connection a step further, does it really mean anything? How can you use these types of events to truly grow your network and build relationships that go beyond a brief introduction? [caption id="attachment_1126" align="alignright" width="448" caption="Stephanie Block, Kendra Kojcsich, Allison Vennerberg and Rachel Krasnow"]
[/caption] Barbara Gibson, ABC, 2008-2009 International Association of Business Communicators Chair, has some great Power Networking Tips, which include:

- Work the room
- Never get caught without your business cards
- Jot down notes on the card about the person you just met
- Maintain contact