Member Spotlight: Sarah Beccio and Her Dedication to Native Causes
This month’s Member Spotlight is on Sarah Beccio, who recently launched her own female Native-owned strategic communications and public relations company to fill what she felt was a need
in her community. Sarah chatted with WWPR about her passion for Native American relations, new venture, and her morning routine. Passion for Native American Relations Even before stepping out on her own, Sarah’s career was focused in Native American relations. Her first position was at the National Congress of American Indians where she worked as a communications associate. During her time here, she worked with the White House on the Generation Indigenous Initiative and put together the first-ever Tribal Youth Gathering – which she describes as an incredible experience. From there, she moved on to the Department of Interior as a public relations specialist at Indian affairs, then onto the National Indian Gaming Commission as the director of public affairs. Her New Venture The mission of Sarah’s business, Indigecomms, was inspired by a clear need in the Native community. There was a recent incident when a tribe was facing a crisis and needed professional assistance, but found that the PR firms they turned to lacked a clear understanding of sovereignty and the cultural sensitivity to assist the tribe in dealing with mainstream media. That’s where she found her niche. Since then, Indigecomms has started assisting professional sports teams on their Native American outreach among other projects, including a budding partnership with Running Start. In addition to her business, Sarah is filling another need in the Native community. Along with her brother, she’s recently started a nonprofit organization aimed at Native American youth called Codetalkers. Her mission is to educate and support the next generation of code talkers. What She Loves About WWPR Sarah’s favorite thing about being involved with WWPR is the collaboration of backgrounds and experiences. She appreciates that the organization brings together a great group of women who empower and support each other. As a member of WWPR’s Professional Development Committee, she provides her expertise and assistance in setting up for the different events put on by the committee. Outside the Office When she’s not at the office, you can find Sarah sampling new restaurants or exploring the great outdoors. Additionally, she values spending time with friends and family, most notably at a weekly sushi date with a group of close friends. She describes it as her time to relax and catch up, and lean on an important support system. In the morning… Sarah’s number one priority when she wakes up? Checking what’s on Twitter. Additionally, she likes to get her workouts in early: her current obsession is with OrangeTheory Fitness, but she’s also been known to hit an early morning SoulCycle or SolidCore class. Post-workout she’ll stop by Dunkin’ Donuts or Starbucks, then hop in the shower while listening to NPR. Off to work after that! Article by Melinda Tolliver, a digital communications specialist who has worked in a variety of settings throughout her career. She loves the thrill of stringing together powerful, eloquent messages in under 140 characters, and creating thoughtful visuals to go with it. Her current position is with the Association of American Law Schools as a digitally-focused communications coordinator. Follow her tweets and ‘grams at @mmptolliver.