Our Holiday on M Street celebration earlier this month was so much fun! Thank you to Kit & Ace in Georgetown for hosting us in your beautiful space and thank you to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for sponsoring the photo booth! I am not sure WWPR can have a party without one from now on…A special thank you needs to go to Colleen Bayus as well for organizing a clothing drive to support the Salvation Army. Thank you to those who attended the party and donated to the cause. Serving as the 2016 President of WWPR has been both an honor and a pleasure. To my fellow board members, thank you for your dedication and service to our organization. I’d also like to thank our Advisory Council dream team of Mary LoJacono, Debra Silimeo and Lauren Lawson-Zilai for your support and encouragement throughout the year. To our amazing committee members, I know it can be a thankless job, but please know WWPR could not do what we do without your hard work and we really do appreciate your service to the organization! Thank you to all of our amazing sponsors for helping us accomplish all that we do year in and year out. Lastly, thank you to all of our WWPR members. It was an honor getting to know so many of you at various events this year or for coffee or an email chat and I hope to stay in touch going forward. As I reflect on the year, I am amazed at how quickly it went but I’m also so proud of all that we accomplished in 2016. I am excited to continue to serve WWPR as Past President next year and support Kelly Mack and the entire 2017 board as they continue to advance the mission of WWPR. Happy Holidays to you and yours,

Ps. Before you head out of the office for the holidays go ahead and register for our first event in 2017- our
Annual Meeting and Board Induction on January 12