Being a member of WWPR is one of the most rewarding things I’ve done professionally and personally since I moved to D.C. (over four years ago!) and I’m even more excited than ever this year.
Here’s why:
Rise and Shine Events. This year, I’m saying “no” to the snooze button and “yes” to prioritizing myself. The Rise and Shine events launched last year will hopefully help me check off two of my resolutions: 1. Focus on myself and general health and 2. Work on being an early riser. Both are much needed and a little motivation never hurt.
Getting More Involved with Committees (and Networking). I’ve been a long-time contributor for the content committee but haven’t made a concentrated effort to get to know the other members of the board, outside my committee lead. This year I’m planning on taking a more leading role on the committee as second-in-command and, hopefully, getting a seat at the table, too.
You can also get involved with one of WWPR’s committees— we would love to have you! Take a look at all our offerings, there might be another committee more aligned with your interests.
Even More Professional Development. Obviously the variety of professional development opportunities are a big reason why I’m member. Personally, I’m in digital so I love that WWPR has embraced and facilitated development opportunities for people like me who get their hands dirty in social, email, and web. I’m looking forward to seeing what our Professional Development Co-Chairs have coming down the pipe this year.
Opportunities to Write! I love writing and I’m always looking for ways to get my name out there (hi, Google). One of those ways is through the WWPR blog and the connections I’ve made within the organization.
Think you have something to contribute? We’re always looking for other contributors to share their experience, goals, or highlight the amazing women in our organization. Are you a WWPR member interested in contributing content to Email
As we start the new year, sticking to my resolutions, landing that promotion, and prioritizing self-care are on the top of my agenda. What’s on yours?