NEWSLETTER: March 2012

In this issue:

Staying in Touch with WWPR
Rock Recovery Screening
WWPR and Women in Technology
Pro Bono Profile: Thrive DC
Upcoming Events
Get Involved!
Member Spotlight
Articles of Interest
Membership News
Sponsor Spotlight

Stay in Touch with WWPR and the Industry Digitally

Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR) is the first and only D.C. based professional organization advancing women in the communications industry. WWPR is committed to delivering outstanding professional development, networking, marketplace positioning and leadership opportunities to area communicators.

Follow and learn more about WWPR leadership:

PresidentTina McCormack Beaty, Porter Novelli
Vice PresidentMargie Newman, Pew Center on the States
Past PresidentKendra Kojcsich, Porter Novelli
TreasurerSherri Core, Core Association Services, Inc.
SecretaryVeronica Brown, Gibraltar Assoc. LLC
Membership ChairLeslie Rutledge, RedEgg
Pro Bono Co-ChairKate Barrett, NEA
Pro Bono Co-ChairMaria Ibañez, NASHP
PR Woman of the Year Co-ChairSusie Tappouni, ASCO
PR Woman of the Year Co-ChairAmy Malerba Hemingway, Edelman
Emerging Leaders Award Co-ChairHelen Mitternight, Vanguard Communications
Emerging Leaders Award Co-ChairLauren Smith, Jones Public Affairs
Sponsorship/Partnership ChairSeason Solorio, National Cattleman’s Beef Assoc.
Marketing Communications Co-ChairJennifer Dunn, Business Wire
Marketing Communications Co-ChairKristen Hostetter, Rock Recovery
Professional Development ChairKari Hudnell, CommunicationWorks
Website ChairJaniré Hopkins, CareMetx



Have you checked out the WWPR Blog?
It’s a great resource to find recaps of our monthly professional development seminars, news about upcoming events and insights on communications trends and issues.

Here’s a preview of what you’ll find:
Be a TRUTH TELLER to Your Girlfriends – Help Them Be Their Own SUPERHEROES:
The first of three blog postings recapping Kiki McLean’s WWPR annual meeting keynote

  • ‘BE TRUTH TELLERS’ – Kiki suggested we help the women we know be the best they can be. Share motivating feedback with peers after a big presentation. Show friends how others see them in professional situations to boost confidence, provide opportunities, create alliances and support networks to enable success. Very powerful ideas

Guest bloggers welcome! WWPR members interested in contributing to our blog are encouraged to email for more information.


Event Overview: Rock Recovery Screening
Breaking the Media Myths of Women with the Award Winning Documentary, Miss Representation

On the evening of March 1, 2012, DC area non-profit, Rock Recovery, in association with WWPR, presented an exclusive screening of Sundance award winning documentary, Miss Representation. Written, directed, and produced by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the documentary exposes how mainstream media contributes to the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America. Its aim is to challenge the media’s message that a woman’s value lies in youth, beauty, and sexuality, which makes it difficult for women to achieve leadership positions and for the average woman to feel powerful herself. These messages are shown to greatly contribute to body image issues and the development of eating disorders. Rock Recovery, a non-profit that was established to support the journey to freedom from eating disorders, created the event to encourage viewers to explore such media messages more deeply.

The event, held during National Eating Disorders Week, included opening and closing remarks by Rock Recovery Board President, Christine Dondero, and Executive Director, Cary Larson, both of who have struggled and recovered from eating disorders in the past. The women opened by posing the question of where do eating disorders come from? Both women stressed that viewers need to recognize the triggering media messages that can contribute to the development of eating disorders. Dondero and Larson asked the audience to consider the mental and emotional drain that comes with body image issues, urging the audience to think of the accomplishments they could achieve if that energy was put toward encouraging positive media messages.

Learn more about Rock Recovery
Host your own screening of Miss Representation


WWPR and Women in Technology Partner Event Recap

veryone has a variety of networks, both personal and professional, but knowing how to leverage those networks isn’t always intuitive. That’s where Terri Nimmons, founder of Stone Lake Leadership Group and leadership consultant to Fortune 100 companies, start-ups and technology leaders, and a recent Women in Technology (WIT) event come in. On February 16, WIT hosted a 90-minute strategic networking session where attendees learned to develop a plan of attack for building, expanding, and strengthening their networks.

Attendees started by mapping their web of contacts and analyzing how supportive and diverse that network is. Particularly intrigued by the cross-generational dynamics that come into play, Nimmons reminded participants of the unique hourglass demographics of the country and most workplaces. Through looking at the characteristics, stereotypes, and values of each group: Boomers, Generation X, and Millenials, Nimmons discussed how to reach “generational fusion” – her term for an environment where all three groups are speaking the same language and sharing their expertise for the benefit of the others.

These conversations helped participants to develop a personal networking point-of-view (POV) statement – a brief, conversation starter that includes a future vision for the issue identified. In the end, Nimmons encouraged attendees to refine personal POVs and peer into the future to see what their networks will be in six months.

Learn more about WIT


Pro Bono Profile: Thrive DC

WWPR’s Pro Bono Committee, established in 1992 as a means to give back to the community, provides communications and marketing support to a local nonprofit focused on women’s and family issues. Over a two year period, WWPR provides communications counsel including, branding, marketing and public relations expertise, media training and other support to help raise awareness and promote the pro bono client.

Our pro bono client for the remainder of 2012 is Thrive DC. Originally founded in 1979 as the Dinner Program for Homeless Women, Thrive DC is an independent, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that works to prevent and end homelessness by providing vulnerable individuals with a comprehensive range of services to help stabilize their lives. Thrive DC works to prevent and end homelessness by providing vulnerable individuals with a comprehensive range of services to help stabilize their lives.

Save the Date: Thrive DC FUNraiser March 30
Thrive DC is hosting a FUNraiser on Friday, March 30 from 5-9pm at The Town Tavern DC, 2323 18th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009. Your $10 ticket includes one beverage from a special events menu and one raffle ticket. Additional raffle tickets available for $1. All drink and raffle sales will benefit the homeless community members that Thrive DC supports daily.

Register today!

Upcoming Events

For the latest information about our exciting events and programs, please visit our Events page.

WWPR members receive member rates for PRSA-NCC and AWC events.


Get Involved

Joining a committee in 2012 is a great way to get involved. Whether you help plan an event, offer your
expertise to our pro bono client, or help create our outreach strategy via social media – join one of WWPR’s committees today!


Member Spotlight: Rebecca Geraghty

by Kristen Hostetter

This month’s member being profiled is WWPR’s Professional Development Committee Manager, Rebecca Geraghty. Geraghty, who has always had a love for public speaking and writing, was unsure about how to turn these passions into a career. A graduate of New York University, she received her BA in History and Spanish in 2009, and MA in World History in 2010. It’s during this time that she interned in online marketing and publicity departments at various publishing and media companies.

After completing her MA, Geraghty was referred to a position at SELEX Galileo Inc., an aerospace and defense company. She was drawn to the position after interviewing with her now boss and mentor, Clio Timmerman. Timmerman stressed that Geraghty would gain hands on experience in marketing and communications as part of a two person team in the company’s US corporate headquarters in Arlington, VA. She now works on corporate communications, trade show and events coordination, and production of marketing materials. Most recently, she was chosen to travel to the company’s UK offices and assist in redesign of the company’s website.

Geraghty is able to use her marcomm expertise outside of her job through work with the Lupus Foundation of America’s DC/MD/VA chapter. Her mother, Mary, had Lupus and unfortunately passed away from the disease two years ago. Since then, Geraghty has become more involved with lupus advocacy and was asked to co-chair this year’s Lupus Walk in DC on April 21, 2012. She has worked to bring more awareness to the Lupus Foundation of America’s DC/MD/VA chapter by assisting with creation and implementation of a social media plan around the walk.
Geraghty’s advice for anyone interested in communications is simple- networking. Her motto is the more people you know, the more perspective you have.

To network with Geraghty, you can find her on LinkedIn or follow her on Twitter.

Articles of Interest


Membership News

New Members

-Maureen Pratt – Bechtel Corporation
-Season Solorio – National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
-Isabel Lara – Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
-Beth Stewart – Vorsight
-Kristen Hostetter – FierceMarkets
-Kelsey Flora – National Geographic Society
-Amy Malerba – Edelman
-Nyree Wright – MSL Washington
-Kati Rutherford – Venn² Communications
-Susie Tappouni – ASCO
-Tracy Mason
-Michelle Reilly – GTT
-Mary El Pearce – Jane Mobley Associates
-Kezmiché Atterbury – U.S. Congress
-Amanda Marr – Hager Sharp
-Mahogany Jones – Mahogany Jones Entertainment Group LLC
-Sandra Marquardt – On the Mark Public Relations

-Megan Bloomgren – DCI Group
-Chelsey Hathaway – West Virginia University
-Lorna Schmidt – National Cancer Institute
-Karen Nussle – Ripple Communications
-Tabatha Thompson – The Matthews Group
-Marichelli Hughes – Epstein Becker Green
-Gwen McKinney – McKinney & Associates
-Rosanna Wayshner – Rosanna Wayshner
-Molly Poarch – Edelman Public Relations
-Tracy Sarria- Edelman Public Relations


-Veronica Brown – Gibraltar Associates
-Hillarie Turner – Environics Communications
-Kimberly Ash – Plan A Marketing Solutions
-Theresa Oland – Consultant
-Kate Perrin – Professional Solutions, LLC
-Jennifer Dunn – Business Wire
-Heather Curry – American College of Radiology
-Susan Apgood – News Generation, Inc.
-Melanie Jordan – Professional Solutions, LLC
-Colleen Fogarty – American Diabetes Association
-Rachel Henderson – Ogilvy Public Relations
-Kelly Mack – Environics Communications
-Lizabeth Wagger – NAPS
-Margie Newman – Pew Center on the States

-Alexa Vogel – The George Washington University
-Leslie Rutledge – MyMediaInfo
-Amanda Moss – Edelman Public Relations
-Maria James – Ogilvy Public Relations
-Kristen Youngblood – Bread for the World
-Micah Azzano – Kratos Learning

Interested in joining or renewed your membership? Simply complete the online membership form.

To learn more, please contact Leslie Rutledge, Membership Chair, at


Sponsor Spotlight

NAPS, or North American Precis Syndicate, distributes feature releases for more than 750 companies, including major brands such as Nokia, IBM, GM, and SINGER; nonprofit associations, such as the Multiple Sclerosis Society and Boys Town USA; and government agencies such as the Department of Transportation, and the Centers for Disease Control.

NAPS publication, Featurettes/News To Use, is filled with consumer news items that can be easily incorporated into special sections or features and lifestyles pages.The material is timely, ACCURATE, and double-and-triple-checked by NAPS editors to make sure that you have the best return on investment possible.

More than 7,000 dailies, weeklies, shoppers, monthlies, and dotcoms now use Featurettes as a convenient and easily accessible way to fill up holes in the copy, or to pick-and-choose solid background text and art.

For more information, visit



YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL – But Not At The Same Time!

The second of three blog posts providing my recap from Kiki McLean’s WWPR annual meeting keynote.

Working women everywhere are asking…“Can I have it all?” A successful career AND a rewarding, full personal and family life. – Kiki’s response was, “Yes, you can. But, not at the same time!” A bit tongue and cheek but it’s true. Psychology Today agrees.

A Huffington Post blog put it this way — “Think about it…how wonderful would it be if women at all stages of their careers and in all their roles could define clearly what they want in their lives, find and follow their passions, design a structure around them that allows for both a rich career and family life — strike out on their own, with a little help from their networks. And leave time for an occasional morning chat with a friend over coffee.”

Which Mountains Can You Climb – WHEN AND HOW?

You will need to make choices…perhaps daily, short term and even long term. Should I work late and miss date night? When in my career path might I best be able to start a family? I’ll be the lead career now but in five years, it will be my partner’s turn. Figure out what is important to you. Communicate it clearly to other key stakeholders and stick to it.

“Wouldn’t it be strange to hear a man say, ‘I want to be a doctor, unless I get married and have children?” — Margaret Mead in an excerpt from a James Baldwin interview.

Kiki shared how her family set boundaries. Whenever possible, breakfast time was sacred. And her family might have to decline social or business opportunities because they conflicted with precious family time on Sundays. What works for each person is different. What mountains are you looking to climb professionally? Personally? Remember, it’s important to carve out time for each area of your life that’s important to you. Attending WWPR events and activities gives me the chance to professionally refuel. What’s your outlet?

Delegate and Ditch the Guilt

Both at home and at work. Outsource whatever you can that doesn’t enhance your life so you have time for the things that matter most to you. Whether it be having someone else clean your home, cut your lawn, or cook your meals. Does your child really need homemade cupcakes for the bake sale or will store bought do just fine? I started using a cleaning firm when I was a full-time grad school student a decade ago, and it’s been worth the investment ever since. What works for you?

Here’s a tip…my friends have been raving about grocery delivery services like Giant’s PEAPOD. I broke down and tried their 60-day free delivery offer just before the holidays to get more weekend time to be with my family. Why I’ve waited so long to take advantage of this time saver is beyond me.

Work-Life Balance – An Oxymoron?

Once you’ve established what’s important to you. Make it happen. On the work-side…especially if you’re calling the shots, make it clear that important team meetings can’t start before 9am or must end by 5:30pm. This allows your work environment to carve out those special mealtime moments Kiki referenced. This way, your team members can be as productive and focused as possible on work, when it’s ‘work time.’ Be a role model for good work life balance. And please share your tips and tricks with other WWPR members – how do you keep your world “balanced?”

Be a TRUTH TELLER to Your Girlfriends – Help Them Be Their Own SUPERHEROES

The first of three blog postings providing my recap from Kiki McLean’s WWPR annual meeting keynote.

‘BE TRUTH TELLERS’ – Kiki suggested we help the women we know be the best they can be. Share motivating feedback with peers after a big presentation. Show friends how others see them in professional situations to boost confidence, provide opportunities, create alliances and support networks to enable success. Very powerful ideas.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?” — Nelson Mandela

And just imagine what would happen if we all became such truth-tellers. It might make room for another women’s chair at the board of directors table because you endorsed her idea. Or perhaps help a fellow WWPR member get on an interview short list because you took time to write an unsolicited recommendation letter at just the right time.

Make Time to Be Truth Tellers

It all makes perfect sense, yet do we take the time to do it? I’ve been truth telling for the past few weeks and it’s been fun to see how sharing a compliment, lending an ear to a friend from across the country, or getting a progress update on someone’s job search can lift my spirits and put a spring in my step. I can only imagine how those on the receiving end of the truth-telling feel. I get a rush realizing I have the power to inspire. Perhaps I am my own Super Hero.

Super Hero Resources to Share

Last fall, I heard Margie Warrell speak during an ExxonMobil Women’s Interest Network session. Talk about motivating and truth talking with an audience. After absorbing her charge to live courageously, I was so inspired, I sent Margie’s book and blog posts to many of my female friends across the country.

Margie believes that…“we are all — and yes, that includes you — powerful beyond measure. That within you lies the resources to create and accomplish extra-ordinary things and to affect change in the world in extraordinary ways. Truly. The thing that keeps most people from doing that is not all the barriers the world has erected to keep them stuck. It is simply their lack of belief in themselves; in their own personal power.”

Excerpts from Margie Warrell

Time to Test Your Super Hero Powers

In case you haven’t already picked it up, Margie is pretty passionate about empowering people to reconnect with their personal power; to be their own super hero. Check out Margie’s blog. Check out the WWPR blog. Take time to share a good word or boost up a female colleague. As Kiki suggested, be a truth teller, and pay it forward.

PRESS RELEASE: WWPR Partners With Local Non-Profit to Screen Documentary, Miss Representation

(Arlington, Va.) – Feb. 16, 2012 – Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR) is partnering with DC based non-profit, Rock Recovery, to screen the award winning documentary, Miss Representation. The fundraising event will be held March 1, 2012, and includes a networking reception at 6:00pm, followed by the screening at 7:30pm at the NRECA Conference Center in Arlington, Va.

Written and directed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Miss Representation explores how mainstream media contributes to the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America. In a society where media is a persuasive force shaping cultural norms, the collective message that our young women and men overwhelmingly receive is that a woman’s value and power lie in her youth, beauty, and sexuality–and not in her capacity as a leader. While women have made strides in leadership over the past few decades, the U.S. is 90th in the world in terms of women in national legislatures, women hold only 3 percent of clout positions in American mainstream media, and 65 percent of women and girls struggle with eating disorders.

“In DC successful women are at the helm of large and small PR firms; at companies, nonprofits, and on the hill they are in positions of power,” said WWPR board president Tina Beaty. “These women serve as strong role models for us all, but there is still an important discussion around mass media’s portrayal of women as discussed by this Sundance Film.”

Stories from teenage girls as well as interviews with politicians, journalists, entertainers, activists and academics such as Condoleezza Rice, Lisa Ling, Nancy Pelosi, Katie Couric, and Gloria Steinem encourage viewers to think about the messaging they are exposed to on a daily basis.

What:Screening of Miss Representation hosted by Rock Recovery in association with WWPR
When:Thursday, March 1, 2012
6:00 pm – 9:15pm
Screening will begin at 7:30pm followed by closing remarks from Rock Recovery
Where:NRECA Conference Center
4301 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22203
Cost:$20 in advance, $25 at the door.

All proceeds go to benefit Rock Recovery’s mission to support the journey to freedom
from eating disorders. Purchase tickets here.

Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR) is the first and only D.C. based professional
organization advancing women in the communications industry. WWPR is committed to
delivering outstanding professional development, networking, marketplace positioning, and
leadership opportunities to area communicators. Visit us at, “Like” us on
, and follow us on Twitter @WWPR.

Founded in 2008, Rock Recovery is a nonprofit organization that exists to support the journey to
freedom for those suffering from eating disorders and disordered eating. Rock Recovery’s programs currently include a robust treatment program based in the Washington, D.C, metropolitan area, as well as community empowerment programs that are offered nationwide. Rock Recovery is founded on the belief that complete freedom from disordered eating is possible, and they are committed to educating communities and bridging treatment gap by offering affordable and accessible services. For more information visit:

NEWSLETTER: February 2012

In this issue:

WWPR President Message
WWPR Welcomes 2012 Board
Upcoming Events
Get Involved!
Member Spotlight
Articles of Interest
Membership News

WWPR President Message

Starting off 2012, we must first say thank you to Kendra Kojcsich, our 2011 president.

Kendra has served on the WWPR board for the past six years. From day one, her impact
was immediately felt. Her leadership ensured that our events covered hot topics
and she established year-long partnerships with other DC-based professional organizations.

Through Kendra’s dedication last year proved a tremendous boon to WWPR:

* Membership is at an all time high;
* Sponsorship program is the strongest it has ever been in WWPR’s history;
* Signature events elevated strong women in our industry;
* Communication vehicles were updated to be valuable resources for members; and
* High caliber speakers were featured at WWPR events – from NASA to the White House
and top media personalities

Kendra set WWPR on a forward path as an organization and I look forward to working
with you all to continue to strengthen WWPR as a resource, connector, and supporter
of women in this industry.

I am honored to serve as your president this year. The 2012 WWPR board and I will
work hard to deliver quality networking opportunities, high profile signature events,
and launch a few exciting new developments! Stay tuned for a great year.

If you have any questions, comments or ideas find us at @WWPR,, WWPR on LinkedIn or email me directly at

I look forward to seeing you at future events!

Tina McCormack Beaty
President, WWPR


WWPR Welcomes 2012 Board

On January 25, WWPR celebrated the induction of its 2012 Board at the WWPR Annual
Meeting and Luncheon. It was a chance for past president Kendra Kojcsich to welcome
the incoming president, Tina McCormack Beaty, who previously served as WWPR’s 2011
vice president and 2010 pro bono co-chair.

The 2012 WWPR Board of Directors includes:
PresidentTina McCormack Beaty, Porter Novelli
Vice PresidentMargie Newman, Pew Center on the States
Past PresidentKendra Kojcsich, Porter Novelli
TreasurerSherri Core, Core Association Services, Inc.
SecretaryVeronica Brown, Gibraltar Assoc. LLC
Membership ChairLeslie Rutledge, RedEgg
Pro Bono Co-ChairKate Barrett, NEA
Pro Bono Co-ChairMaria Ibañez, NASHP
PR Woman of the Year Co-ChairSusie Tappouni, ASCO
PR Woman of the Year Co-ChairAmy Malerba Hemingway, Edelman
Emerging Leaders Award Co-ChairHelen Mitternight, Vanguard Communications
Emerging Leaders Award Co-ChairLauren Smith, Jones Public Affairs
Sponsorship/Partnership ChairSeason Solorio, National Cattleman’s Beef Assoc.
Marketing Communications Co-ChairJennifer Dunn, Business Wire
Marketing Communications Co-ChairKristen Hostetter, Rock Recovery
Professional Development ChairKari Hudnell, CommunicationWorks
Website ChairJaniré Hopkins, CareMetx

Attendees also enjoyed lunch and a keynote by former Clinton campaign advisor for both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and current global head of public affairs and managing director of Porter Novelli, Kiki McLean. Kiki shared great insight into the unique challenges facing women in the corporate world, as well as how the communications and PR industry continues to evolve.



Have you checked out the WWPR Blog?

There, you will find recaps of our monthly professional development seminars, news about upcoming events and insights on communications trends and issues.

Here’s a preview of what you’ll find:

  • Instagram vs. Flickr: What has potential for advocacy outreach? By 2012, most organizations in DC have discovered how to have a presence on social media and get their messages out to their key constituencies. But as many legislative battles heat up, the stakes are raised and PR professionals must… READ MORE

Interested in blogging for WWPR in 2012? Members who are interested in contributing are encouraged to email for more information.


Upcoming Events

For the latest information about our exciting events and programs, please visit our Events page.

WWPR members receive member rates for PRSA-NCC and AWC events.


Get Involved

Joining a committee in 2012 is a great way to get involved. Whether you help plan an event, offer your expertise to our pro bono client, or help create our outreach strategy via social media – join one of WWPR’s committees today.


Member Spotlight: Sarah Gershman

by Rebecca Noel

About 7 years ago, Sarah Gershman, president of Green Room Speakers, was in a play in San Francisco directed by an incredibly successful communication skills coach. It hit her: “that is what I want to do with my life.”

Fast-forward a few years and Green Room Speakers, DC-based presentation skills training company, was born from Gershman’s passion in communications. Through group trainings and private coaching, Gershman helps people learn how to craft and deliver masterful presentations. She has coached and trained executives and leadership staff from a wide variety of industries, as well as keeps a speaking advice blog:

Gershman is the new committee manager for WWPR’s executive communicators events, where she will be planning speakers geared at seasoned communicators and independent practitioners.

“Helping people fulfill their potential as speakers is such an invaluable skill in any field,” says Gershman. “I love helping people get past their anxiety – and develop their authentic voice. I typically find that the number one reason why people don’t speak effectively is because they are not clear on their content. I help people gain that clarity – and it’s enormously fulfilling.”

Articles of Interest


Membership News

New Members

– Tiarra Medley, Porter Novelli

– Jessica Callahan, Stanton Communications

– Ashley Rook, Rational 360

– Rhondalee Dean-Royce, American Veterinary Medical Association

– Bethany Hardy, C. Fox Communication

– Leslie Kimball, The Century Council

– Jessica Lepak, The Century Council

– Shari Myles, GoodGirlPR

– Sarah Coppersmith, Scott Circle Communications

– Carol Stevens, American Bar Association


– Jennifer Bolick, Richfield Productions, Inc.

– Denise Graveline , Don’t Get Caught

– Debbie Friez, Burrelles/Luce/em>

Interested in joining or renewed your membership? Simply complete the online membership form.

To learn more, please contact Leslie Rutledge, Membership Chair, at



Join the Mailing List

Stay connected with WWPR by signing up for our mailing list! You’ll receive the latest updates on professional development events, exclusive networking opportunities, leadership initiatives, and more!