Post Grad Problems: Combating Winter Blues

JennyBergman-150x150By Jenny Bergman, Assistant Account Executive at FleishmanHillard; Member of WWPR/WWPR Marketing Communications Committee

Hope that everyone had a happy holiday and a wonderful new year! After some (much needed) time off, it can be hard to get back into the swing of things at work. Since I know that can be easier said than done, here are some tips for staying on your game (and staying sane) during these cold winter months:


  1. Brighten up your workspace. There is a constant battle taking place in my office over the light switches – some people like to work with the lights on, while others prefer sitting in the dark. However since January and February have a tendency to be dreary, and our body craves daylight during the winter months, sitting in the dark can be an issue. Luckily, this can be solved by simply getting a lamp for your desk, as sitting next to artificial light for as little as 30 minutes a day can be as effective as antidepressants.
  1. Eat well. During these chilly months, it can be hard to resist all the warm, carb-heavy foods beckoning you during your lunch break. However, in addition to preventing you from falling into a food coma at your desk, eating well can help your immune system stay strong while the flu and winter colds are going around your office. Luckily, that extra chocolate you keep in your desk is actually good for you, as chocolate can help enhance your mood and relieve your anxiety.
  1. Exercise. Since sitting is now almost like the new smoking, including physical activity as part of our daily routine is important. Doctors recommended exercising 30 minutes a day, or 60 minutes every other day, but we all know that our workout plans don’t always happen (despite our best efforts). However, exercise can ease symptoms of depression and anxiety, and exercise during the winter actually burns more calories and is better for your heart.
  1. Listen to a podcast. If you’re anything like me, sometimes you need to tune out what’s going on around you in order to get work done. At the risk of sometimes laughing out loud alone at my desk, I often listen to stand-up comedy and comedic podcasts to keep my focus in check. Personally, I love listening to Comedy Bang Bang and Gilmore Guys to make the afternoons go by a little faster.
  1. Plan your vacation days! One of the best parts of the New Year is that our vacation days start over! Research shows that just planning a vacation can cause a significant increase in overall happiness. So, even if you can’t afford that fabulous trip to Bora Bora right now, planning the trip for the future is actually good for you.

It’s Your Career So Own It!

IMG_8159By Christine Brown-Quinn, The Female Capitalist®

The start of the new calendar year is also a perfect time to think about your career goals. Let’s face it – we are very good about planning when it comes to the actual job at hand or giving advice to others, but when it comes to our own personal career planning, it seems it always takes a back seat.

The thing about career planning is that first and foremost you have to be in the driving seat.  While others may be useful to consult and get feedback, you are the one who has to make it happen. This is especially true in today’s business environment where corporate jobs for life don’t exist and restructurings have now become commonplace rather than one-off events.   The fact is, you know you best, so you’re the one who’s got to do the heavy lifting.

And hard work alone is not going to lead to career success (sorry to disappoint!).  This can be a hard transition to make once we leave our formal schooling days as the rules in an academic environment are rather straightforward.  Once we start progressing in our careers, however, the path becomes murkier and the relationship between academic success and career success becomes fuzzier.

In business the ‘smartest’ people are not the ones who are most successful.  The ones who are most successful are the ones who take control of their destiny and build their own momentum. Your career is too important to leave it to fate or to the whim of others. The most effective strategy to pursuing professional growth is to approach your career as a  business, with you as its best-selling brand.

Now that you’re in the right frame of mind to take control of your career, what’s the secret to setting goals that not only make sense from a business perspective, but which will also stick. Here’s my simple 5-step Reach for the STARS formula to guide you through effective goal setting:

  • S- Be Strategic  –  think strategically about your goals. What are the challenges facing your department, your company, or even industry?  It’s essential that your own personal growth goals are aligned across all these levels as well.  By doing so, you are setting yourself up to be the solution to the problems facing the business.
  • T – Track  your successes & “failures”  – it’s important that you keep track of how things are going versus the plan and make adjustments along the way (don’t wait until January 2017 to make changes!).  Remember there is no such thing as “failure” if you’ve learned something from the experience. In fact super successful professionals often cite how failing at something then positioned them for success.
  • A – Hold yourself Accountable  – share your goals with a trusted friend and/or colleague. Research shows that the simple act of sharing and discussing your goals increases the likelihood that you’re going to take action and follow through.
  • R –  Make goals Rich  – by this I mean rich in meaning (to you!) and rich in terms of the level of excitement and enthusiasm that you feel about the goals. This is incredibly important as this is what will give you the energy and motivation to keep going, especially on those tough days.  If you understand why it’s important to you, you’ll be able to manage the challenges that lie ahead. You’ve got the bigger picture in mind.  And because the goal is exciting you, you’ll find the time and will have the energy to make it happen.
  • S – Make goals Specific  – the goals have to be specific enough for you to track, but not so specific that you go off track if you’ve got to make adjustments along the way.  The goals should be realistic, but at the same time stretch you a bit.

The best news of all is that looking into the future and doing new things, is a basic human need. Doing new things, means by definition that we’re taking risks.  Taking risks and personal growth go hand in hand.  Make 2016 the year of embracing uncertainty and creating new opportunities for personal and professional fulfillment.

Bright Beginnings Acquires Land in Ward 8; New Center Planned to Serve 100 Homeless Infants and Toddlers

The site, 3418 Fourth Street SE, is slated to become a state of the art child development center serving homeless infants and toddlers. The purchase of the vacant 1.31 acre property will add a vibrant resource that serves 100 homeless children to the neighborhood. The location is considered ideal because of its proximity to a large number of shelters that serve homeless families with young children who will benefit from the unique combination of comprehensive educational, therapeutic, and social services Bright Beginnings offers families. Additionally, the new center will create 32 new jobs with an initial operating budget of nearly $2.5 million that will benefit the Ward 8 economy. Read More.

2016 BBI 5K- Saturday, April 30th


Bright Beginnings’ annual 5K Race raises funds that help provide educational, therapeutic, health, and family services free of charge to homeless infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and their families in Washington, DC. All proceeds directly support our outstanding programs that prepare children for kindergarten and help their parents get back on their feet. Put on your running shoes, grab your friends, and register today

Not a runner? Walkers and virtual runners welcome. Bring the whole family! Put your tots in a stroller and join the stroller brigade.

The Bright Beginnings 5K is fun! It’s healthy! It’s all for a great cause! Remember, the action takes place April 30, 2016, 8a.m., West Potomac Park! 

For more information, contact Volunteer and Communications Specialist. Whitney Faison at or 202-842-9090 ext. 119.

Women’s Heart Health Day –Go Red!
We pride ourselves on healthy living and health education programs for the parents of Bright Beginnings, which is why in February we celebrate Women’s Heart Health Day. Bright Beginnings will be providing free health screenings for parents and staff. Passionate about women’s health? Give a presentation, or host a Heart Health Luncheon. Wear red and show your support for women’s health!

Parents participate in a heart health workshop hosted by the sisters of Delta Sigma Theta.
Parents participate in a heart health workshop hosted by the sisters of Delta Sigma Theta.

Children’s Dental Health Month

A healthy life starts with education and access to resources. During Children’s Dental Health Month Bright Beginnings staff hosts a series of dental health workshops and classroom based programming for children and parents. You can support our initiatives by donating dental supplies to our families (toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss etc.).

BBI toddlers practice brushing teeth the correct way using an interactive dental toy.
BBI toddlers practice brushing teeth the correct way using an interactive dental toy.

2016 President’s Letter

Have an idea for a Professional Development topic you would like WWPR to take on in 2016? Let us know @

Mara headshotMy name is Mara Vandlik and I am so honored to have the opportunity to serve as President of Washington Women in PR in 2016. I feel so lucky to work side by side with an unbelievably talented and dedicated Board of Directors to provide leadership opportunities, professional development, mentorship, and industry networking events to our membership throughout the year.

The Board and I have lots of plans in the works to make 2016 the best year yet for WWPR but we need your help! I strongly encourage you to get involved with a committee as they are a great way to get more involved and get the most out of your membership.

Additionally, please feel free to reach out to us with any comments, questions or suggestions you may have. We’d love to hear from you!

Last but not least, thank you for being a member of WWPR. Without you, we literally couldn’t exist. I know there are a lot of ways to spend your time and I am so honored you entrust some of your precious time to WWPR.

Looking forward to a tremendous year for WWPR,




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