Jul 9, 2012 | Professional Development
We have always known the importance of public relations methods, but many business schools are just catching on to the idea of incorporating them into their curriculum. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) has been pushing for a collaborative MBA Business...Apr 23, 2012 | Professional Development
April 19 – National Education Association How to you connect with your audience? How to you get people to remember your message? Is stage presence something you’re born with or something you can learn? These questions and others were the focus of...Mar 26, 2012 | Professional Development
Download his presentation here: http://t.co/t4neHnoRMar 19, 2012 | Professional Development
Networking is about relationships. It’s about reaching out to and staying in touch with people. Networking is broader than just who you know, and crafting healthy relationships is more involved than simply increasing the number of friends you have on Facebook. While...Mar 5, 2012 | Professional Development
The second of three blog posts providing my recap from Kiki McLean’s WWPR annual meeting keynote. Working women everywhere are asking…“Can I have it all?” A successful career AND a rewarding, full personal and family life. – Kiki’s response was, “Yes, you can. But,...Feb 23, 2012 | Professional Development
The first of three blog postings providing my recap from Kiki McLean’s WWPR annual meeting keynote. ‘BE TRUTH TELLERS’ – Kiki suggested we help the women we know be the best they can be. Share motivating feedback with peers after a big presentation. Show friends how...