Get to know WWPR President Kelly Mack’s passions, goals and successes! WWPR caught up with Kelly for a discussion on her new role as president, her passion within DC’s public relations community, and her morning routine.
Vision for WWPR
Kelly believes WWPR has a unique role in DC’s PR community because of the abundant professional development opportunities provided, coupled with the camaraderie and support among members.
As president, one of Kelly’s major goals is to grow the membership of WWPR. She hopes to do this by demonstrating the value of WWPR for its members, through networking, professional development, and recognition of industry leaders.
Kelly herself joined because she wanted to learn more about communications, but stayed because she found it to be an excellent network for making friends and connections. After attending a number of professional development events, Kelly decided to throw her hat in the ring and volunteered to help plan these events.
She served several years in that capacity on the board of WWPR before transitioning to the Executive Committee to help shape the ongoing strategic growth of WWPR.
Serving Individuals with Disabilities
In addition to her role at WWPR, Kelly is a public affairs specialist for the U.S. Department of Health & Services. In her current role, Kelly supports communications for the Administration for Community Living (ACL), an agency devoted to supporting older adults and people with disabilities – a cause that hits close to home for her.
Kelly’s passion for issues affecting people with disabilities is grounded in her own experience living with disabilities. She was diagnosed at age two with an aggressive form of rheumatoid arthritis, but she has never let it hold her back from her goals.
While the condition causes her to face challenges related to accessibility, Kelly considers her stubbornness an asset since she doesn’t let anything stop her. She also counts herself as fortunate to have a substantial support system with the help of her husband, family and friends in navigating the challenges of living with a disability.
However, she is quick to point out that not all people with disabilities have the same supports as she does. That’s why she is thrilled to work for an agency that supports this population and the full integration of people with disabilities in society.
A Bit of Background
Kelly began her career at a small nonprofit before discovering her true passion for communications. To develop her skills, she pursued a master’s degree in communications while concurrently working in an association environment. She later worked for a mid-size firm on a variety of issues and explored many different communications tactics.
Her current work at ACL helps to inform the public and stakeholders about the organization’s activities and accomplishments towards its mission. Her day is a mix of meetings, strategy planning, writing, absorbing news, and tactical execution, such as with media relations and social media.
Kelly cites the overall diversity of her work with many causes and clients as her biggest professional accomplishment throughout her career.
Advice for WWPR Members
Kelly encourages members to volunteer on a committee – or several – to get to know the various moving parts of WWPR. Once members discover what they most enjoy, they can contribute their skills toward supporting the organization and its mission.
For general advice aimed at younger women, Kelly suggests saying “yes” and asking for more! Kelly believes taking on challenges will help women stand out early in their careers, and accelerate career growth and learning.
In The Morning…
Everyone has one – here’s Kelly’s morning routine:
- First, hit the snooze!
- Some light stretching or exercise
- A good breakfast to start the day
- Monitoring NPR and the morning’s news headlines
- Catching up on emails