Katie Hurd, WWPR Member

Article written by Katie Hurd,
WWPR Member,
Director, Baltz & Co.

On Wednesday morning, WWPR kicked off the day with a Rise and Shine event focused on finding one’s ideal work/life balance.

Manisha Tare of recharj® began the morning by leading the group in a guided meditation exercise. The sessiaon focused on mindful breathing as well as how an awareness of energy in the body can help us to de-stress and recharge.

Once the group relaxed and centered, communications exec and Flywheel fitness guru Monica Trauzzi shared her approach to striking an ideal work/life balance. Below, a few of the key takeaways from Monica’s keynote:

  • Make time to take stock. Whether you’re assessing your accomplishments at the end of the year or checking in on a monthly basis, take time to not only set goals for yourself but also to track your progress.
  • Ask for your balance. Aside from seeking out organizations that encourage a healthy work/life balance, you have to take things a step further and ask for what you want. Think about what’s important to you, what gives your life value, and get to a place where you’re confident enough to ask for it. Chances are, you’ll get what you want.
  • Embrace imperfection. You won’t always make that 6am spin class. Work, life, and — let’s face it — the occasional happy hour can and will get in the way. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Take a moment, figure out how to move forward, and get yourself back on track.
  • Support those around you. One of the reasons Monica loves group fitness so much is because of the accountability factor. Sharing your personal goals with your friends, colleagues, or workout buddies helps to create a support system and network of encouragement.

If you missed this event, check out the video below for Monica’s motivational tips on how to be your best self:


Keep an eye out on WWPR’s event calendar for the next Rise & Shine event!

Thank you to our partners for their support in this event: