Jul 18, 2019 | Pro Bono Client
Sitar Arts Center offers multidisciplinary arts, music, dance and theater opportunities for DC’s youth year-round. June kicked off with Camp Sitar—an immersive day-long arts program, where 89% of students come from a household with low-income. As part of the six-week...Jul 18, 2019 | Membership
Lauren Games, communications manager at DC International School, is a new addition to WWPR’s membership. She enjoys the challenge of her job that every day is different while balancing it all. How she got started in PR Lauren pursued a BA in International Studies and...Jul 17, 2019 | Membership
Social Marketing guru Chelsea, is a new addition to WWPR’s membership. She knew at the tender age of 13 that she was destined to do public relations. How she got started in Public Relations Chelsea always knew that she wanted to do public relations and stuck to it. At...Jul 10, 2019 | Awards
Ask any communications professional what her pearls of wisdom are, and she will be able to list several with ease. It’s evident that WWPR members are a dynamic breed of professionals, pushing themselves to grow within their careers, continuously learning and taking...Jun 19, 2019 | Awards, Press Release
WASHINGTON WOMEN IN PUBLIC RELATIONS ANNOUNCES 2019 EMERGING LEADERS AWARDS HONOREES ELAs Recognizes Rising Stars in the Communications Industry WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 19, 2019)— Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR), the oldest professional society for female...