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President’s Letter: Momentum, Inspiration, and Exciting Events Ahead

Mar 10, 2025 | President's Note
Dear WWPR Community, We’re only a couple of months into 2025, but the energy and momentum within WWPR is already incredible! Our Annual Meeting Luncheon in February was nothing short of inspiring. A huge thank you to Debbi Jarvis, who left us with so many powerful takeaways, including one of my favorites: ➡️ “Embrace who […]
Four Ways to Implement Personal Branding in a Virtual World
Apr 21, 2021 | Events
As communicators we are constantly thinking about how to build our company or client’s brand, but what about our personal one? On Friday, April 9, WWPR held a conversation on personal branding in a virtual world—our new reality. Alexia Baillow, senior manager of corporate communications insights and impact at Capital One, joined her mentor, Carol […]
Inclusive Leadership: A Breakfast Conversation with a DEI Consultant
Apr 6, 2021 | Events, News & Updates
On Thursday, March 25, WWPR held a virtual breakfast discussion for senior-level communicators. The topic? Being an inclusive leader. During the event, communicators at the height of their careers asked their most pressing questions about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) to Dr. Karyn Trader-Leigh, founder of KTA Global Partners and a People and Culture consultant […]
Virtual Events to Save the Tidal Basin and Our Cherry Trees 
Mar 30, 2021 | Events, News & Updates
It’s that time of year again when, under normal circumstances, 1.5 million people from around the world visit the Tidal Basin to check out DC’s famous cherry blossoms. However, due to the COVD-19 pandemic, the National Park Service has restricted the number of pedestrians and vehicles and allowed limited access to the Tidal Basin, East […]
President’s Note: March 2021
Instead of my typical president’s letter, I’d like to reserve this space to honor the lives lost from the tragedy that occurred in Atlanta, Georgia on March 16, 2021 as well as other attacks against members of the Asian American community across the United States. When I read the victim’s names and who they have […]
A Fireside Chat with Vice President Kamala Harris’s Director of Communications 
Mar 30, 2021 | Events, News & Updates
On Thursday, March 18, WWPR and the National Capital Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America hosted a virtual Q&A with Ashley Etienne, Director of Communications for Vice President Kamala Harris. This history-making PR professional shared insights into her career trajectory and advice for navigating the high-pressure world of political communications.  When Ashley arrived […]
Six Newsletters You Need to Know
During COVID, it’s no secret that many professionals have more time on their hands given non-existent morning routines, 15-30 second commutes to and from work and lack of social events. In turn, digital content consumption has soared (more than doubled actually) and PR pros have garnered particular affinity to regular e-newsletter consumption as the platform […]
Women are making history…And social media is elevating their voice
Mar 9, 2021 | News & Updates
From politics and corporate leadership to sports and entertainment, women have made remarkable strides in history across all facets of life this past year. What makes these wins even more outstanding is the increased exposure among social media platforms. Stories of women earning new roles, titles and achievements are now front and center for the […]
A Closer Look at Clubhouse
Mar 4, 2021 | News & Updates
Somewhere between a conference call and an interactive podcast, the invite-only Clubhouse is the latest social networking app and has skyrocketed in popularity in recent weeks.  Through the app, subscribers around the world can host and tune in to real-time, free-flowing, and voice-only conversations of any length on virtually any topic – books, politics, Beyonce, […]