
Technically Speaking

I have a good friend whose Facebook friend list is only 30-people long. How does she fend off the countless inquiries from old junior high lab partners and former suitors? One simple rule: If she would invite you to her house for dinner, she'll be your friend on...

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The Man Behind the PR

So we all know Vocus is a PR and cloud-based marketing software company so I thought  it would be interesting to talk to the man behind Vocus’ PR. Frank Strong is their director of PR which means he gets to direct the communications of not only Vocus but he also...

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Tone of Coverage – That One Negative Story

Captain JA "Cappy" Surette, APR is the Public Affairs Officer of the U.S. Navy Bureau for Medicine and Surgery and commented on the downfall of over measuring the impact of a negative story. In proving his communications ROI at the Pentagon, he explains that while...

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Content is King? No Context is King!

Rebekah King is the Consumer Communications Manager at Kelley Blue Book and as a panelist at the Vocus event on the topic of reporting and ROI said she "reports to management in context. How will they understand, approve and continue PR and Social Media unless there...

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