Member Spotlight: Christin Lewis’ Commitment to Pro Bono Work
This month’s WWPR Member Spotlight features Christin Lewis, senior manager of account and brand strategy at the American Diabetes Association and co-founder of The Luv u Project. Her Day Job Currently, Christin spends her days at the American Diabetes Association where her focus is on the overall marketing and communications strategy for several the association’s national initiatives. The vast scope of the projects allows her to continue to expand her expertise and learn new skill-sets she hasn’t been able to dive into before. Before entering the nonprofit realm, Christin had the opportunity to work in several other different industries, including government contracting, intellectual property, and financial services. She has continued to learn and find mentors throughout her career and learn a few lessons along the way, including:
Article by Melinda Tolliver, a digital communications specialist who has worked in a variety of settings throughout her career. She loves the thrill of stringing together powerful, eloquent messages in under 140 characters, and creating thoughtful visuals to go with it. Her current position is with the Association of American Law Schools as a digitally-focused communications coordinator. Follow her tweets and ‘grams at @mmptolliver.
- Don’t get too comfortable - it’s important to continue learning
- Embrace failure by taking risks
- The best lessons can come from the unexpected
- Seeing her husband off (he leaves before she does)
- Walking, feeding and playing with her dog
- Getting an early workout in, if she’s lucky
- Taking a quick shower, then heading off to work!