Message from the President
Upcoming Events
Pro Bono Update
Website Update
Member Spotlight
Event Recap
Articles of Interest
Membership News
Job Board
I am excited to be leading such a wonderful group of woman (and men!) as the Washington Women in Public Relations(WWPR)president this year. Through my experience during the past five years on the board in both the professional development and partnerships roles, I truly believe that WWPR is one of the best organizations for professionals in the communications field.
WWPR is a diverse group of communications and PR professionals representing a variety of industries. Through our professional development and signature events, we hope to continue delivering high value programs and networking opportunities to our members and to encourage growth and learning in our field.
As we are always looking for better ways to increase our membership value and make sure we continue to serve our members, we encourage your suggestions! In the coming months, we plan to survey you, our members and our supporters, so that we can provide the appropriate programming. Additionally, we are planning to increase existing relationships with our neighboring professional communications organizations. Be on the lookout in the next month for the survey and please take the time to share your thoughts with us!
Our plans for this year include:
• Upcoming opportunities to give back by getting involved with our new pro bono client, Thrive DC
• The new WWPR website and blog in which we hope to have many guest posts from our members
• Increased mentoring opportunities including a new shadowing event in the fall
• The addition of another speed networking event due to the increased demand
As I step into my new role, I want to take a moment to thank our 2010 President, Debbie Friez, for all the hard work she has put into WWPR over the last year. I also would like to encourage everyone to get more involved this year–whether you join a committee, write a blog post, or just come out to one more event than you did last year!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me at with any suggestions or questions as we embark on another successful year!
Kendra Kojcsich
2011 WWPR President
Upcoming Events
For full information about our exciting events and programs, please visit our Events page.
Special Lunch Invitation to Young MC and WWPR Members
March 3, 2011
Noon to 2:00pm
National Press Club
529 14th St NW
Young MC and WWPR are pleased to partner and present a lively lunchtime discussion featuring Keith Blackman, principal of Blackman Media Solutions (BMS). Bring your lunch to the National Press Club (NPC) on March 3rd, and learn new strategies for effective media training and improved executive visibility. Keith will examine the important role proper media training plays in the context of the 247 news cycle. Attendees will also have an opportunity to tour NPC’s Broadcast Operations Center.
Please join us for this exclusive member’s only discussion at noon on March 3rd. Seating is limited and on a first come first served basis, so please R.S.V.P. immediately to secure your seat.
Price: Free for WWPR & Young MC Members
To register:
Call for Speakers & Venue Partners
Each month, WWPR hosts professional development brown bag lunch sessions, most of which are free to members. The popular sessions engage PR professionals with interesting topics, knowledgeable presenters, and diverse venues.
Our luncheons engage participants who want to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in our rapidly changing profession. We are currently looking for speakers on a variety of industry topics. We also need donated space for events. If your organization has space or you would like to suggest a speaker, contact us at
We promote our venues through pre-event outreach, day-of promotion opportunities, and links as venue partners on the WWPR website.
Pro Bono Update
We are thrilled to announce that Thrive DC is our new pro bono client for the 2011-2012 term.
Thrive DC, which started in 1979 as the Dinner Program for Homeless Women, is now a comprehensive provider of services for people facing economic crisis and economic instability in the Washington area.
Here’s a sample of the services they provide:
• Two hot meals a day
• Computer lab with Internet access
• Free showers and laundry
• Personal Care supplies
• Peer support groups
• Case management
• Employment training
To learn more about Thrive DC check out the recent announcement.
Visit their website at, “like” them on Facebook, or follow them on Twitter @thrivedc to get more information.
To work with the Pro Bono Committee on crafting a strategic communications plan for Thrive DC, contact Pro Bono Chair Deborah Brody at
We’re thrilled to announce that WWPR launched its new website on January 20, 2011! The site features a dynamic layout designed to complement the new WWPR logo, a new blog, a Twitter feed on our home page, and enhanced functionality for members. We’ve got more exciting updates planned for 2011, so please visit often and let us know what you think! Feedback can be provided via the website form or by emailing
Also, the website committee is actively recruiting new members! Whether you’d like to contribute content, help manage existing content, or provide strategic input on website features and functionality, we’d love your help! We hope you’ll consider contributing to the WWPR blog, and any suggestions for topics or guest bloggers would be great! For more information or to contribute, please contact Website Chair Kate Barrett.
Member Spotlight: Stacy Price, WWPR Professional Development Co-Chair
By Elisa O’Halloran
WWPR member Stacey Price, independent consultant of sdp communications, commutes the highways and bi-ways of the Internet from her home office or the local coffee shop. Price specializes in integrated communications, working for a host of clients, including community development organizations, restaurants and government organizations. Price has first-hand knowledge of working with small businesses.
Price explains: “As a previous small business owner, I enjoy rolling up my sleeves and really getting into the business and determining how I can make a difference through communication.” She has an entrepreneurial attitude moving to DC in July 2009 with only one connection, an apartment she had never seen before and the desire for someone else to pay her salary.
“Since I have been on my own since 2003, I have made connections organically that led me right back on my own, doing much of the same things I was doing pre-move. I guess you cannot escape what you are meant to do,” says Price.
As an entrepreneur, Price knows how important networking is to find a job or potential new clients. “I believe social capital is priceless. It is the people in my network that help me solve problems, find new clients, and fuel my creativity, “says Price. “It is also important to listen and help people.”
In addition to enjoying her work as an independent consultant, Price enjoys music, food and the written word. Price adds, “You will find me eating, at a live show, or writing about one of the two of them.”
Event Recap
WWPR Annual Meeting and Board Induction
Presentation by the Social Media “Swami”
January 20, 2011
Members did not expect a homework assignment when they signed up for the WWPR Annual Meeting and Board Induction Lunch.
Keynote speaker, Shashi Bellamkonda, otherwise known as the Social Media “Swami” of Network Solutions, gave three action items: Google your name, set up Google Alerts, follow three blogs relevant to your field and begin commenting. In Bellamkonda’s talk, “It’s All About Human Relationships,” he shared tips, web sites, links, and case studies reinforcing the necessity of using social media as a communication vehicle.
In addition to the homework assignment, ideas shared included:
• Be accessible always. If you don’t have a smart phone, get one.
• Blog. Make people think with your entries and don’t be afraid to comment on others.
• Create social media guidelines for your company and train others to be experts.
• And, most importantly, don’t just Tweet Up, Meet Up; face-to-face interactions are still an effective way to maintain relationships.
Articles of Interest
Social Media Leadership Series – Next Generation PR Pros
5 big mobile trends for 2011-and beyond
Why People Unsubscribe to Your E-mails
3 social media tools you may be missing
New Student Members
-Alexa Vogel, The George Washington University
New Members
-Toni Andrews, Burke & Herbert Bank
-Marisa Harriston, GMYR Public Relations
-Jennifer McLellan, Core Association Services, Inc.
-Rebecca Noel, Van Eperen & Company
-Emily O’Hara, GSX
-Theresa Oland
-Vicki Robb,Vicki Robb Communications
-Mayra Ruiz McPherson, Ruiz McPherson Communications LLC
-Rachel Szala, Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications
-Lizabeth Wagger, NAPS
-Nick Whitmoyer, Whitmoyer LLC
Returning Student Members
-Heather Curry, American College of Radiology
Returning Members
-Kimberly Ash, Plan A Marketing Solutions
-Kate Barrett, New Enterprise Associates
-Colleen Fogarty, American Diabetes Association
-Rosel Halle, Strategic Direction Advisors
-Rachel Henderson, Ogilvy Washington
-Melanie Jordan, PRofessional Solutions, LLC
-Marjorie Lane, The Lane Marketing Group
-Kelly Mack,National Association of Home Builders
-Margie Newman, Pew Center on the States
-Kate Perrin, PRofessional Solutions, LLC
-Karen Saverino, Eightfold Strategy
-Hillarie Turner, Environics Communications
Membership has its benefits! Members do not pay for most WWPR monthly professional development brown bag lunches. To learn more, please contact Leslie Rutledge, membership chair, at
Job Board: DC Employment & Volunteer Opportunities
Social Media Specialist, Goodwill Industries. Contact:
Intern, Porter Novelli. Contact:
Administrative Associate, The National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN). Contact:
Media Relations Assistant, International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA). Contact: