For me, March is always full of celebrations – St. Patrick’s Day, my birthday, and Women’s History Month. As we enter the spring season – especially the warmer weather! – there are also many WWPR opportunities I look forward to celebrating.
This month is Women’s History Month, and there is no better opportunity to launch WWPR programming – developed for women, by women – into full gear. In early April, we’ll be holding our first Professional Development event of 2019.
Career Coach Christa Davis will be hosting a career development workshop on how to move forward in your career and life with authenticity and confidence. And on April 30, gear up as we bring back a member favorite event: Speed Mentoring. This is an opportunity to refresh, develop and enhance your professional development.
I’m also extremely pleased to share that our 10th annual Emerging Leaders Awards is underway. Please save the date for the evening of Tuesday, June 18 — and start to think of outstanding young female communicators that you believe should be recognized and celebrated.
Lastly, with the season of spring, we look forward to growing our communications community. Early in May, we’ll be hosting a joint networking event with two other organizations that support communicators — the International Association of Business Communicators and the National Association of Government Communicators. These partnerships not only introduce us to new faces, they allow us to be inspired and connected in smart, new ways. So if you are involved in another group that may be interested in co-hosting with us, please let me know by emailing