News & Updates

Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories

By Anne Thomas and Maggie Moore Some people like March because it’s finally spring (cherry blossoms in DC!), some enjoy celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, others college basketball, but here at WWPR we like March because it’s Women’s History Month!...

Telling Your Organization’s DEI Story 

A Conversation with NPR’s COO Isabel Lara Last month, WWPR had the privilege to host an open conversation with NPR’s first Chief Communications Officer, Isabel Lara, moderated by Sukhi Suhni, WWPR advisory board member and SVP, Head of Integrated Brand Communications...

Controlling the Narrative: Black History Month and Beyond

By: Jewel McFadden, WWPR Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Chair The U.S. population is becoming more of a melting pot– one in three Americans are projected to be a race other than  White by 2060 according to U.S. Census Bureau data. And yet, as the world continues...